Fourth blogger this year is hacked to death in Bangladesh

Niloy Chakrabarti, forty, wrote under the call “Niloy Neel.” The secular blogger in Bangladesh said he had been receiving death threats for his writings essential to religion. Then, on Friday, police said a collection of attackers believed to be Islamist…

Niloy Chakrabarti, forty, wrote under the call “Niloy Neel.” The secular blogger in Bangladesh said he had been receiving death threats for his writings essential to religion.

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Then, on Friday, police said a collection of attackers believed to be Islamist militants entered Chakrabarti’s apartment building within the capital city and killed him, the associated Press suggested. The attackers, who pretended to be capability tenants, wore masks and killed Chakrabarti with machetes, the BBC stated.

While police failed to right now offer a purpose, a group with feasible al-Qaeda ties despatched e-the emails claiming responsibility to media shops, the AP mentioned. Authenticity couldn’t be independently showed by using the twine provider. Chakrabarti‘s dying is the fourth such lethal attack on a mundane blogger in Bangladesh. Those killed had been outspoken critics of intense Muslim ideologies, which they believed were gaining ground in Bangladesh, a rustic dominated with the aid of secular legal guidelines and ninety percent Muslim.

In March, 27-12 months-antique blogger Washiqur Rahman turned into cornered by 3 assailants and hacked to death with meat cleavers. Any other blogger became hacked to loss of life in may as well.

Popular Bangladeshi American creator Avijit Roy was killed in a comparable style in a February attack, while his wife sustained critical wounds. Roy’s loss of life precipitated protests, and plenty of activists said they feared they have been on a success list.

[Why an American blogger was hacked to death in Bangladesh]

Chakrabarti contributed to Mukto-Mona, a weblog based on Roy’s means, and he critiqued fundamentalism in lots of religions. His ultimate blog submits, dated Aug. 3, asked why mosques had been being air-conditioned, AFP pronounced.

“He became the voice against fundamentalism and extremism and changed into even a voice for minority rights — in particular ladies’ rights and the rights of indigenous people,” Imran H Sarkar, head of the Bangladesh Blogger and Activist Network, told the BBC.
Because the submit has written earlier than, Bangladesh doesn’t have blasphemy legal guidelines nor reputable sharia courts:

The current government of top Minister Sheikh Hasina has embarked on a debatable, criticized crackdown of Islamists in America’s united states, which blanketed outstanding politicians who had sided against u. s.’s independence 4 a long time ago. This attempt become cheered utilizing mass seasoned-democracy, anti-fundamentalist protests in 2013.


However, Hasina has no longer helped the purpose of liberal thinkers like Roy — and is accused of instituting creeping authoritarianism wherein dissent and unfastened speech is curtailed. Her opponents, including the use of a’s essential Islamist party, have been frozen out of parliament. As they fume alongside the margins, there are fears of increasing militancy and radicalization.
As news of Chakrabarti’s death unfolds, masses of activists took to the same site that hosted secular protests in 2013, Shahbagh rectangular, AFP pronounced.

“We’re protesting a culture of impunity in Bangladesh,” Sarker, who become protesting, instructed AFP. “One after some other blogger is being killed, and yet there is no action to prevent those murderers.”

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