Benefits of Choosing Intermittent Fasting to Lose Weight

If you’re looking to lose weight, you may have heard about intermittent fasting. Now you might be wondering could intermittent fasting help. Lately, intermittent fasting is making headlines because various researches have shown a positive impact on weight loss. Intermittent…

If you’re looking to lose weight, you may have heard about intermittent fasting. Now you might be wondering could intermittent fasting help. Lately, intermittent fasting is making headlines because various researches have shown a positive impact on weight loss. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that features cycles of fasting and eating to lose weight.


Intermittent fasting (or IF) is a dieting pattern that has gained popularity recently. Unlike other dieting methods, IF concentrates on when you eat instead of what you eat during the day. Some people consider it torturous because they equate it with starvation. However, in reality, we all do it daily when we sleep at night. When you don’t eat during the fasting window, your body is forced to use fatty acids called “ketones” for energy instead of glucose. Besides aiding in weight loss, this eating pattern is also effective in increasing your lifespan by one-third. According to some researches, IF might also reduce your risk of diabetes and heart failure. But before you opt for IF, it’s important to consult your doctor.

There are four popular fasting approaches- periodic fasting, time-restricted feeding, alternate-day fasting, and the 5:2 diet. There’s an ongoing debate over the effectiveness of IF. So, if you’re looking for a perfect diet plan, you may wonder if intermittent fasting is right for you. You may also want to know what the benefits of IF are. To help you understand IF better, here we’ve listed the top benefits of intermittent fasting.

9 Proven Ways to Lose Weight for Busy People

Guaranteed Weight Loss

By following IF regularly and properly, you can see visible weight loss results. Unlike other dieting methods that restrict your favorite food and involve calorie counting, IF is easier to follow. This eating pattern reduces your calorie intake because you eat less and also boosts your metabolism.

Health Benefits

Supporters of intermittent fasting claim that IF has several health benefits also. By reducing the number of meals you eat in a day, it’s possible to prevent many diseases. Your doctor can suggest which method of IF will best work for you. When practices continuously, this eating pattern may prevent several conditions and diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, neurodegenerative diseases, and even some cancers. According to a study, obese adults who followed an 8-hour eating window noticed a reduction in blood pressure. In pre-diabetic people, intermittent fasting can reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes because IF keeps blood sugar levels low.

Extend Life Span

Animal studies have found out fasting may extend the lifespan of animals. But even after decades of research, there’s no evidence-based research to prove that fasting may lengthen humans’ life span. The benefits of intermittent fasting on the human lifespan are not yet known. Still, it’s proven to improve their well-being by preventing several diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and more; IF helps improve human beings’ overall health.

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